Pad Kee Mao (Drunken Noodles): Resep Mie Goreng Pedas Ala Thailand Yang Menggugah Selera

Daftar Isi [Tampilkan]

Pad Kee Mao, also known as Drunken Noodles, is a popular Thai dish that is loved by many. It is a stir-fry dish made with wide rice noodles, vegetables, meat, and a spicy sauce. The dish is often served as a street food in Thailand, and it has gained popularity all over the world because of its delicious taste and unique flavor.

Pad Kee Mao: Apa itu?

Pad Kee Mao is a Thai dish that is made with wide rice noodles, vegetables, meat, and a spicy sauce. The dish is usually made with chicken, beef, or shrimp. The noodles are stir-fried with onions, bell peppers, and basil, and the whole dish is flavored with a spicy sauce made with garlic, chili, fish sauce, and soy sauce.

Pad Kee Mao: Mengapa Menjadi Populer?

Pad Kee Mao has become popular all over the world because of its delicious taste and unique flavor. The dish is spicy, savory, and has a slightly sweet taste because of the addition of dark soy sauce. The wide rice noodles used in the dish are soft and chewy, and they absorb the flavors of the spicy sauce and vegetables. The dish is also very easy to prepare, and it can be served as a main course or a side dish.

Pad Kee Mao: Jenis-jenis?

Pad Kee Mao is usually made with chicken, beef, or shrimp, but it can also be made with tofu or vegetables for a vegetarian version. The dish can also be customized to suit individual tastes by adjusting the amount of spice or using different vegetables and meats. Some popular variations of Pad Kee Mao include adding broccoli, baby corn, or mushrooms to the dish.

Pad Kee Mao: Kandungan

Pad Kee Mao is a nutritious dish that is made with a variety of vegetables and meats. Some of the key ingredients used in the dish include:

  • Wide rice noodles: Rice noodles are a good source of carbohydrates and provide energy to the body.
  • Chicken, beef, or shrimp: These meats are rich in protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles.
  • Vegetables: The vegetables used in Pad Kee Mao, such as onions, bell peppers, and basil, are a good source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Spices and sauces: The spicy sauce used in Pad Kee Mao contains garlic, chili, fish sauce, and soy sauce, which are all beneficial for boosting the immune system and aiding digestion.

Pad Kee Mao: Keuntungan dan Manfaat

Pad Kee Mao has several health benefits, including:

  • Improved digestion: The spicy sauce used in the dish contains garlic and chili, which are beneficial for aiding digestion and reducing inflammation in the digestive system.
  • Boosted immunity: The garlic and chili in the dish also contain antioxidants that help to boost the immune system and fight against infections and diseases.
  • Increased energy: The rice noodles used in the dish are a good source of carbohydrates, which provide energy to the body and keep you feeling full for longer.
  • Reduced risk of heart disease: The vegetables and lean meats used in Pad Kee Mao are beneficial for reducing the risk of heart disease and promoting overall heart health.

Pad Kee Mao: Cara Membuat

Berikut adalah resep sederhana untuk membuat Pad Kee Mao:

  1. Rebus mie sekitar 2-3 menit atau sampai lunak. Tiriskan dan sisihkan.
  2. Panaskan minyak di dalam wajan dengan api besar. Tambahkan bawang bombay, bawang putih, dan cabai yang sudah diulek. Tumis sampai harum.
  3. Tambahkan daging ayam, sapi, atau udang ke dalam wajan dan tumis sampai daging matang.
  4. Tambahkan sayuran seperti paprika dan daun basil ke dalam wajan dan aduk rata.
  5. Tambahkan mie ke dalam wajan dan aduk rata dengan bahan-bahan yang sudah ada di dalam wajan.
  6. Tambahkan saus seperti kecap asin, kecap manis, dan saus ikan ke dalam wajan dan aduk rata. Tambahkan garam dan merica sesuai selera.
  7. Tumis semua bahan hingga matang dan sajikan Pad Kee Mao di atas piring.

Pad Kee Mao: Tips

Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk membuat Pad Kee Mao yang sempurna:

  • Gunakan daging segar dan sayuran yang masih segar untuk hasil yang terbaik.
  • Gunakan wajan yang besar dan dalam untuk memasak Pad Kee Mao agar bahan-bahan dapat diaduk dengan baik.
  • Cicipi saus di awal pembuatan untuk menyesuaikan rasa. Jika terlalu pedas, tambahkan sedikit gula atau air untuk menyeimbangkan rasa.
  • Sajikan Pad Kee Mao dengan taburan daun ketumbar atau irisan bawang hijau untuk tampilan yang lebih cantik.

Selamat mencoba membuat Pad Kee Mao!
